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Tuesday, October 11, 2005

How to Bubble Map - drawing your ToDo stress-free way

Taguchi-san has invented with an alternative way on representing a todo list. It is called Bubble Map. He uses a bubble (a circle) to represent an instance of task. He draws the bigger bubble if the task is a higher priority, respectively smaller bubble if the task is less important:

"… This often happens to me (and you?), so I looked into the problem deeply. Then I realized that a ToDo “list” does not represent the importance of each item. Yes, you can “A, B, C” the list, but your brain just does not catch how important each item is. In my opinion, it’s just counter-intuitive.

So a few weeks ago, i began “drawing” my ToDo list. Each bubble represents a ToDo and the bigger the more troublesome it is to your mind. I named this map, “bubble map”. My bubble map yesterday is something like below.

The beauty of this method is that it truely (=intuitively) represents your mind share of each ToDo item…"

Wonderful idea - this really can help on our brain work - our mind is accepting and understand more in graphical way then textual way. Taguchi-san was kind enough to write the post in English - read his post for more detail implementation. Thanks Taguchi-san for the news.

How to Bubble Map - drawing your ToDo stress-free way - [IdeaxIdea]

Die Dulci Fruere


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