
BotHack makes getting things done easy and fun. Delving deep into the technoweb, BotHack brings back simple and totally life-altering tips and tricks for managing your information and time. At this wild moment in the development of human-oriented technology, BotHack is your own personal early adopter, here to guide you through the onslaught of the new. The world is full of fascinating problems waiting to be solved: BotHack can help.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Speed up Adobe Acrobat Reader

Got Adobe Acrobat Reader 7? Want to make it better, faster and stronger? Pop over to this helpful article by Asa Dotzler and follow the step-by-step streamlining instructions. You’ll free up some RAM and get rid of some irritating housekeeping stuff. And don’t miss the great suggestions in the comments as well.

Die Dulci Fruere

Monday, May 28, 2007

Free cookbook PDFs

I was looking for an interesting cookbook for project ideas with non-food items, and oddly enough spotted a link to one on Robert Scoble's site - it's extremely well done. Autumn Omakase is an electronic/PDF cookbook available for free download. The two books we’ve published electronically are pretty unique as the quality is comparable to what you’d see at a bookstore, but its available for free on the net. Call it a pleasant side-effect of a labor of love.

[via] Link

Die Dulci Fruere

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Download of The Day: iTunes Companion

iTunes Companion is a Konfabulator widget that automatically searches for album art of the current track playing in iTunes.

"iTunes Companion searches for album cover art for your current iTunes track at and downloads it to your hard drive. The image is only downloaded once. The next time you play that track it finds the image on your hard drive. It searches for artwork in your iTunes Library before going to"

Free Konfabulator widget for Windows or Mac.

Die Dulci Fruere

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Download-of-The-Day : Active Shopper For Firefox

Just in time for holiday shopping! Active Shopper, a comparative shopping tool, has added a search plugin for Firefox.
"The Shelron Group Inc., owners of the comparison-shopping site, released on Monday a Firefox plug-in that lets users search the Web site for bargains directly from the open-source browser."

It works pretty well and is the perfect search tool for Web shoppers and bargain hunters.

It’s a free download for Mac or Windows versions of Firefox.

Die Dulci Fruere

Monday, May 14, 2007

Wall Street Journal's 2005 Technology Innovation Awards

The genome-sequencing technique from 454 Life Sciences was selected as the Gold winner in The Wall Street Journal's 2005 Technology Innovation Awards competition. Innovative technologies from around the world were eligible for awards in categories including biotechnology, software, security, energy and the environment, among others. Judges selected Gold, Silver and Bronze winners, as well as giving out an Honorable Mention award. [via] Link. There's also a podcast on the page that discusses the decision process and entries.

Die Dulci Fruere

Thursday, May 10, 2007

BotHack : Russian Oil-Pulling Therapy

The Process
Measure 10 ml. of refined sunflower oil or groundnut oil (approximately one table spoon) and without any great effort or hurry, wash and suck the oil inside the mouth like using a mouthwash. Never gargle or swallow the oil. Pull the oil through the teeth often and this oil will pull all the toxins from your body through saliva.

How long?
This process has to be carried out for at least ten minutes, preferably for fifteen to twenty minutes or till the oil becomes a thin white foam.

When to do?
Oil-pulling has to be done early in the morning on empty stomach before brushing the teeth for best results. It can be done twice or thrice in a day initially for quick results.

Precautions, if any?

  • One should never swallow the foamy substance because it contains toxins, germs and harmful bacteria drawn out of the blood.
  • Wash your mouth thoroughly and brush it as usual after spitting the foam.
  • Brisk walk for thirty minutes daily and sufficient intake of Water in regular intervals in a day are essential for curing any ailments.
  • Never spit the oil foam into your sink because the pipes will get clogged in the long run. If you stay in an apartment, use a sand-filled dust-bin and dispose it off regularly.

Who can benefit from Oil-pulling?
Any one from young to old can start on this therapy. It is more beneficial for curing colds, cough, asthma, digestive problems, chronic head-ache, pimples, cracking of feet etc. I have received a very positive feedback from our Acupressure Club members about the ailments mentioned here.

Die Dulci Fruere

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Download-Of-The-Day: Watch ASCII QuickTime Movies

If you’re so inclined (and who among us is not), you can watch your QuickTime compatible movies using an ASCII video player.

Download a copy of ASCIIMoviePlayerSample from the developer website. It’s source code, but there’s a compiled version bundled in the build.

You’ve got to run it from Terminal. It takes one argument, the name of the movie.

Our tests ran with normal QuickTime movies, MP4 video and even DivX AVIs (support for which was already installed into QuickTime).

No luck, however, running the DRM-controlled version of that Desperate Housewives episode I got a week or so ago.

Die Dulci Fruere